Linking back to history at The Round

Whitehorse News - July 2023

As The Round takes shape as the premier performing arts centre for Melbourne’s East, it will include special touches of history from the former Whitehorse Centre including the Bicentenary Leadlight Mural, some of the theatre seats and time capsules.

Shayne Price, Manager of Arts and Cultural Services, said these legacy pieces have been important inclusions into the construction of the new building from the outset. 

“It’s a lovely link to our history, some of the old mixed with the new,” Shayne said. “We are both respecting and acknowledging those who’ve come before.” 

The time capsules were retrieved from the original site, one located outside the front doors of the centre, the other buried in the foundations of the foyer. The oldest of them was laid June 16, 1985, to celebrate the commencement of construction of the Nunawading Arts Centre.

The more recent capsule was laid on 5 December, 2001 to commemorate the 2001 International Year of Volunteers. Both these time capsules will be re-laid into the new development, to be opened in later years as originally intended. Two banks of seats from the former theatre are being restored to go into The Round’s Green Room. 

The Bicentenary Leadlight Mural, created by local leadlighters and glass artists, was unveiled in 1988 and took pride of place in the entrance of the former centre. It has recently undergone restoration and will again make its home in the main entrance of the new building.

Shayne said the legacy pieces were an important part of The Round’s story and were just as important to Whitehorse City Council and the residents who’d shared in the former venue’s history. 

The construction of The Round is drawing closer to project completion.

The Round Bar is beginning to take shape with a new and improved hospitality experience for patrons being developed.

Installation of the state-of-the-art Soundshell door, designed to transform The Studio into a lively festival site, is also underway.

Creative Spaces within The Round are also close to completion and will inspire and nurture artistic expression whilst building community. These spaces will be perfect for hire for any group looking for a versatile space for use – including dance schools, yoga classes, martial arts or anything in between.

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