Caring for the Community

Whitehorse News - May 2021

Colin Taylor invested his working life in the Whitehorse community – so when he retired, he thought it was the perfect time to give something back.

Colin and his wife Judy have been volunteering for Whitehorse Meals on Wheels for more than eight years.

The Forest Hill residents enjoy helping out once a fortnight, looking forward to the interactivity of being part of a team and the social interactions they engage in with residents and colleagues alike.

“I had the advantage of running a business in the community for a long time and I thought I’d like to give something back to the community for what they gave me,” Colin said. “So after I retired I started doing this.”

Delivering up to 15 meals to Blackburn North residents, Colin and Judy said there are many enjoyable aspects to the volunteering, including the knowledge that you were out helping others and being among like-minded people.

National Volunteer Week from 17-23 May is a time to celebrate the significant contribution of Australia’s almost six million volunteers. Each year these volunteers dedicate more than 600 million hours to help others.

In a year when many of us have experienced increased loneliness or isolation, mental health or financial stress, volunteering can help. Volunteering connects people to others in local communities, to better mental wellbeing or to potential pathways to employment.

More information

Visit our Volunteers page