Welcome to the City of Whitehorse.
Whitehorse City Council provides more than 100 services to residents, business owners and community groups in the municipality.
The information below is designed to help you discover more about the Council’s programs and services. We wish you all the best in your new home.
On this page: |
Waste information

Bin services: Find out about bin services, recycling, order bins report a missed collection what you can put in your bins
Bin collection day: Enter your address in to the search address field.
Hard waste collections: How to book a kerbside collection
HomeCycle: a free service to donate household items and clothing in good condition, without leaving the comfort of your home. This is not a year-long service, so please check their website before booking.
Food and Garden Organics Service
If you already have a garden organics bin provided by Council, you are all set and ready to start recycling your food waste. If you would like to order a food and garden organics bin, you can order your bin online or call Customer Service on (03) 9262 6333.
Find more information on Food and Garden Organics Service.

Register your pet: Register your pet or transfer pet ownership details to Whitehorse
Dog off-lead areas: Council has 22 parks and reserve where you can exercise your dog off lead

Residential Parking Permits: Many of the areas in Whitehorse require resident parking. Council’s residential parking permit scheme provides a balance of on-street parking opportunities for residents and visitors
Accessible (Disabled ) Parking permits: Apply for permits through the VicRoads Accessible Parking Permit Scheme
Remember to update your new address with VicRoads.

Rates notices: Find out when rates payment is due
Rates notices via email: Sign up to receive your rates notice via email
Your rates provide around 58% of Councils total income which helps to deliver more than 100 services to residents.

People and demographics
Healthy living starts at home supported by Council through services and activities in the community. Whether it's older people staying active or new parents learning about parenthood in a safe environment, Whitehorse offers a range of resources and options for families young and old.
Learn about location and suburbs in Whitehorse and its demographic fact sheets.

Things to Do in Whitehorse
What's Happening: Events, consultations and you can submit your community event
More events: visit Creative Whitehorse or The Round
Arts and Culture: Performing arts, galleries, exhibitions and festivals
Sports: Leisure and sports centres, golf course and sporting facilities
Parks and Playgrounds: 170 playgrounds, over 20 bushland reserves and more than 350 parks,
Libraries: 4 locations across Whitehorse