Please ensure that your questions comply with the Guidelines for Public Question Time at Council Meetings ( PDF 288.87KB) prior to making your submission.

For further information, please contact the Governance team at or phone (03) 9262 6578.

Your Details
Your Questions
Questions must be submitted by 10am on the day of the Council Meeting and will be read out during public question time.

View the Council meeting dates.
Select the checkbox to confirm this is a valid submission.
Privacy Statement

The collection and handling of personal information is in accordance with Whitehorse City Council’s Privacy Policy which is displayed on Council’s website and available for inspection at, or collection from, Council’s Customer Service Centres.
The personal information requested on this form is being collected by Whitehorse City Council for the purpose of your participation at a Council meeting. You are required to provide this information so that Council may contact you to arrange the inclusion of your question/s in a Council meeting, record these question/s along with your name and suburb in the relevant minutes, or contact you at a later date to provide answers to your question/s should they be taken on notice. The personal information you provide will only be used for the primary purpose that it was collected for, that being for Public Question Time at a Council meeting, and not for any other secondary purpose, without your consent.
If you choose not to provide the requested details, your questions may not be included in the Council Meeting.
The personal information you provide on this form will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law.

Check only if you do not wish to personally read out your questions at the meeting